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Racism and ableism are interdependent. My university teaching aims to highlight how this interdependence plays out in the ways we segregate, discipline, and design/implement instruction for students of color in our K-12 school system. My courses work to dismantle the racist, ableist, sexist, heteronormative, gender-conforming ways in which our students experience education. Operating through the lenses of DisCrit (Connor, Ferri, Annamma, 2014), and culturally relevant pedagogy (Ladson-Billings, 1995), my courses rethink status quo approaches, call out/call in everyday microagressions and language that contributes to deficit framings of multiply marginalized youth. Expect to be continuously challenged and discomforted and ready to critically analyze everything!


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EDSE 224 Methodologies Supporting Emergent Bilinguals with Disabilities
​Fall 2018-Present
This course examines the unique considerations and approaches to working with culturally and linguistically diverse students with dis/abilities. The course provides a discussion and application of teaching and learning concepts, strategies, and methods related to meaningful instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs) with and without dis/abilities. The course will include legislation requirements, strategies to deliver instruction, materials, and resources. Candidates will be proficient in using the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol for ELLs.

MA Courses
EDSE 220
This course is a culmination of four semesters of thesis work towards the MA in Special Education. Students compose a final thesis project and present the project to peers and faculty at a final poster session.
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