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*indicates student author


Kulkarni, S., Stacy, J., & Kertyzia, H. (2019).  Collaborative self-study: Advocating for democratic principles and culturally responsive pedagogy in teacher education.  Education Forum.

Esposito, M.C., Tang, K., & Kulkarni, S.  (2018).  Fostering inclusive environments: The linchpin role of school leaders in ensuring equity and access. Journal of Educational Administration and History.

*Hernandez, C., & Kulkarni, S. (Spring/Summer 2018).  Social skills for students with moderate to severe disabilities: Can community-based instruction help? JAASEP.


Kulkarni, S. (2017). Disproportionate representation of Asian students in special education: A systematic review of the literature. Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners: Fall 2017, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 19-33.


Kulkarni, S. & *Parmar, J. (2017).  Culturally and linguistically diverse student and family perspectives on AAC devices. Augmentative and Alternative Communication International.  DOI:10.1080/07434618.2017.1346706


Kim, S., Yan, M., & Kulkarni, S. (2017). Social-skill interventions for culturally and linguistically diverse students with disabilities: A comprehensive review. Exceptionality Education International, 27, 85-98.


Kim,S., Lyons,G., Lequia,J., & Kulkarni, S. (2017). A preliminary study of social skills generalization with pivotal response treatment. International Journal of Special Education 32(1), 55-87.


Kulkarni, S., & Hanley-Maxwell, C. (2015). Pre-service teachers’student teaching experiences in Africa. Teacher Education Quarterly, 42, 4, 59-81.


Leko, M., Kulkarni, S., Chaun, M.C., & Smith, S. (2014). Teacher beliefs about reading instruction for students with disabilities. Teacher Education and Special Education, 38, 3, 186-206.


Bal, A., Kang, H.J., Kulkarni, S., & Mbeseha, M. (Spring 2011). Promising practices for ELs with learning disabilities. AccELLerate, 3, 13.


Book Chapters


Kulkarni, S., *Parmar, J., Selmi, A., & Mendelson, A. (2018). Assistive technology for students with disabilities: An international and intersectional approach. In Crossing the Bridge of the Digital Divide: A Walk with Global Leaders(eds. A.H. Normore & A. I. Lahera).


Kulkarni, S. (in press, 2018).  A model for critical disability studies in teacher education.  Interdisciplinary Approaches to Disability Studies.


Book Reviews


Kulkarni, S. (2015).  A Review of The Dyslexia Debate.  Teachers College Record.







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